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Get user data from firebase





String. The Firebase ID token of the account.


A named list with the following items:

  • users: A list of length 1 which contains a nested named list with the following items:

    • localId: The uid of the current user.

    • email: The email of the account.

    • emailVerified: Whether or not the account's email has been verified.

    • displayName: The display name for the account.

    • providerUserInfo: Named list of provider objects which contain "providerId" and "federatedId".

    • photoUrl: The photo Url for the account.

    • passwordHash: Hash version of password.

    • passwordUpdatedAt: The timestamp, in milliseconds, that the account password was last changed.

    • validSince: The timestamp, in milliseconds, which marks a boundary, before which Firebase ID token are considered revoked.

    • disabled: Whether the account is disabled or not.

    • lastLoginAt: The timestamp, in milliseconds, that the account last logged in at.

    • createdAt: The timestamp, in milliseconds, that the account was created at.

    • customAuth: Whether the account is authenticated by the developer.

  • error:

    • NULL if no error code in response

    • A list of 2 if response was an error:

      • code: Error code

      • message: Error message


Visit Firebase Auth REST API docs for more details


if (FALSE) {
user_data <- frbs_get_user_data("<id_token>")
lapply(user_data, `[[`, 1)