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Sign in a user anonymously




A named list with the following items:

  • idToken: A Firebase Auth ID token for the newly created user.

  • email: Since the user is anonymous, this should be empty.

  • refreshToken: A Firebase Auth refresh token for the newly created user.

  • expiresIn: The number of seconds in which the ID token expires.

  • localId: The uid of the newly created user.

  • error:

    • NULL if no error code in response

    • A list of 2 if response was an error:

      • code: Error code

      • message: Error message


To use sign in users anonymously, you must first enable the Anonymous sign in method in your firebase project.

Go to Firebase console and check your Sign-in providers under the Sign-in Methods tab in the Authentication service and make sure Anonymous is enabled.

Visit Firebase Auth REST API docs for more details.


if (FALSE) {
user <- frbs_sign_in_anonymously()